Why choosing us?
Because we know what we are doing. We have a day-to-day experience of 18 years in this field. We know how to address any question within our expertise area and offer options for solving it. . We master the details of the procedures related to translation, endorsement, apostille attachment, legalization or superlegalization for any type of document.
Because we make your life easier. How? We deal with complex procedures and offer you full logistical support and professional counselling in order to solve any type of request under with maximum efficiency and promptness.
Because we come with a tailored approach. We see the client as a partner, we are flexible to every client\'s individual demand and together we find the best solutions to solve each request, taking into account time and cost efficiency. Working with us always leads to a win-win result for the parties involved in the project.
Because we are serious, available and flexible.
Amelia Gheorghiță
Excelentia este o companie care oferă servicii profesioniste și are toate atributele unui tovarăș de nădejde, cu care poți duce la bun sfârșit proiecte. Am colaborat de multe ori, în diverse proiecte culturale, printre care și FILIT, un eveniment de înaltă ținută, iar seriozitatea și calitatea serviciilor oferite au fost mereu la înălțime. Acest lucru a fost observat de invitații noștri și de public. Evenimentele au fost apreciate și datorită calității traducerilor, un lucru esențial într-un festival ce sărbătoreste literatura și traducerea. Mulțumim, Excelenția, că faceți cinste acestei arte a traducerii!
Amelia Gheorghiță, PR la Muzeul Național al Literaturii Române Iași
VS Communication
Collaboriamo da 14 anni con Excelentia, per noi è un partner affidabile, preciso, puntuale che non ha mai tradito le nostre aspettative.
Siamo sempre stati pienamente soddisfatti dei servizi offerti.
Colaborăm cu Excelentia de mai bine de 14 ani şi s-a dovedit a fi un partener de încredere, strict, punctual, care nu ne-a înșelat niciodată așteptările. Serviciile oferite au fost întotdeauna la superlativ.
Domenico Martelloni, Director general
Dr. Toma Velio
Firma serioasa, de incredere. Fiind vorba de traduceri de bussines, intodeauna am cautat un partener serios si l-am gasit la Centrul de traduceri Excelentia.
Dr. Toma Velio Managing Partner Vel Trials srl
Irina Raihel-Arnautu
Colaboram cu Excelentia inca de la infiintare si suntem martorii unei dezvoltări meritorii, pe care o admiram si o aplaudam. Ne fac viata mai usoara cu profesionalism, viteza si o marcanta orientare catre satisfactia clientului final, gasind intotdeauna solutii la orice provocare si devenind astfel esentiali pentru reusita proiectelor noastre.
Iasi Airport
The collaboration with EXCELENTIA TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION AGENCY delivered us the results we were expecting and even more.
The collaboration with EXCELENTIA TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION AGENCY delivered us the results we were expecting and even more. Our collaboration was occasioned by a project having as main objective the obtaining of European financing for the development and modernization of Iasi International Airport, with a total amount of 56.7 million euro.
It was a tremendous amount of work in a very short period of time, but, as the project was carried out, we found that EXCELENTIA team provided us not only with the best solutions in terms of text translation, but also with the comfort of knowing that we are working with professionals who will meet their commitments regarding the translation quality no matter what, despite the urgency of the deadlines and the pressure generated by the huge importance of the project.
View the testimonial in printing formatIasi Airport
Iasi County Council
...I was only thinking about how lucky we were to work with people like you!
Ambitious, balanced, communicative, with an objective thinking, intransigent, perseverant, working under the clock, hundreds of pages translated and, in the end, an exceptional result: a financing request, a cost benefit analysis, a traffic study, a feasibility study, uniformity between technical and economical terms that only EXCELENTIA TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION AGENCY could provide.
Your creativity makes you a pleasant presence!
SC Benrom SRL
BENROM SRL, member of the BENETTON Group, has been working with KORALVISION SRL for more than 5 years for translation and interpreting services.
The dedication, flexibility, seriousness and, above all, the promptness they have proved us all this time determine us to always turn to the services of EXCELENTIA TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION AGENCY, thus succeeding in having built a fruitful and long collaboration. Benrom S.R.L. is extremely pleased working together with the above mentioned Company and recommends its services especially for two main reasons: professionalism and availability
SC Benrom SRL